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Download Windows Device Recovery Tool for Windows 10, 7, 8/ (64 bit/32 bit) - Available onWindows Device Recovery Tool: FAQ.
Though Microsoft doesn't really do mobile operating systems anymore, it still offers the specialized mobile phone tool Windows Device Recovery Tool which can be used to revert your Windows Mobile phone to a previous version of firmware. The tool was designed to work with Lumia phones and Microsoft VR products.
If things went wrong when upgrading your Windows phone to Windows 8 or Windows 10, you can use this official tool to go back to where you started when attempting to upgrade the operating system of your mobile device. As a free program developed by Microsoft, this application should run fine on all modern versions of Windows that have the.
NET Framework installed. The app will check your device and whether its compatible and capable of running the tool. When complete, select the device inside of the interface of the connected device. Further steps will check whether there's an update available from the official servers.
A few system settings will become available in further steps. Windows Device Recovery Tool will begin the installation of your desired Windows version when all of the steps have been completed.
Keep in mind that you should keep your phone connected to your PC during the entire process. Windows Phone Recovery Tool is software which can update phone firmware. Recovery options for Microsoft phones running Windows. A review by Felix Cheng. Windows Phone Recovery Tool 3. We have tested Windows Phone Recovery Tool 3. We certify that this program is clean of viruses, malware and trojans. Screenshots of Windows Phone Recovery Tool 6.
Windows Phone Recovery Tool x
Windows mobile recovery tool free download free. Windows phone recovery tool 1.2.4
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